The European Board of PRM (EBPRM) will support the registration of 80 attendees to the Digital Web Session: European Rehabilitation School Marseille "Motor Disabilities: Posture and Movement Analysis, Rehabilitation, Neurophysiology" which will be organised from July...
PRM Schools: European Rehabilitation Robotics School
The European Board of PRM (EBPRM) will support the participation of 12 attendees to the European Rehabilitation Robotics School, which will be organised in Italy from 18 to 23 September 2023. The financial support covers the registration fee and accommodation. The...
PRM Schools: Rehabilitation of pain and pain-related disability
The European Board of PRM (EBPRM) will support the participation of 12 attendees to the ESPRM/UEMS-PRM/EBPRM School on “Rehabilitation of pain and pain-related disability”, which will be organised in Italy from 24 to 28 September 2023. The financial support covers the...
Statement for the war in Ukraine
The UEMS PRM Section and Board Executive Committee has released a statement about the war in Ukraine. Please click here to download the statement. We wish to express our solidarity and support to our Ukrainian colleagues and people suffering from war....
Vacancies for Examinership
The European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine announces the recruitment of Examiners. The examiners will support the European Board of PRM by developing questions for use in the written examination for the European Fellowship in PRM. Click here to...
Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment
The World Master Course In 2016, ISICO launched an annual distance-learning course, open to participants from all over the world. The aim was to offer professionals specialist training in the Principles and Practice of Scoliosis Conservative Treatment (PPSCT),...
MusculUS PandemicUS 2020
The MusculUS PandemicUS 2020 will be held online on 5-6 December, 2020. For the scientific programme, registration and more info, please click here.
22nd European PRM Congress
The European PRM Board Awards @ESPRM2020 The Jury of the Board has granted a Gold Award and a Special Mention to the best oral and poster presentations by PRM trainees and young specialists. We congratulate all participants and we wish them a very successful career!...