by | Jun 10, 2018 | Congresses & Courses


The 8th International Ultrasound Course Euro/Belmusculus will take place at the Ghent University Hospital (Belgium) on October 9 – October 12, 2018.

This biennial ultrasound course continues to be a major and anticipated event of musculoskeletal ultrasound in PRM and sports medicine. This congress provides you with an excellent opportunity to complete and optimise your clinical skills in musculoskeletal ultrasound.

Professor Martine De Muynck has an international reputation with vast experience which she will share with you together with her team. They will first demonstrate the examination of the normal joint. Participants will then perform ultrasound under the supervision of the experienced teachers. Each session is concluded with a lecture on common pathology of the joint and periarticular soft tissues.

Satellite courses are dedicated to ultrasound guided infiltration techniques for botulin toxin, huyaluronic acid en PRP (platelet-riched-plasma).

Official website: