Join European Rehabilitation Robotics Community

by | Nov 15, 2019 | Congresses & Courses

The application of Robotics and new technologies in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine is widely spread. However, the lack of an educational program and weak inter-professional cooperation in research and clinical activities don’t allow to assess the efficacy, the effectiveness and the efficiency of robotic rehabilitation.
Prof. Alessandro Giustini with the ER2 Organization (Eng. Antonio Ruggiero, Eng. Francesca Tombolini, Dr. Maria Elena Collina, Dr. Cinzia Bonanni, Dr. Cristina Gamberini) would like to share with you the website This platform aims at harmonizing and foster the diffusion of the level of knowledge of robotic in rehabilitation, enhancing PRM role and collaboration and networking between all rehabilitation professionals.
In the new section “Join our community”, Organizations, Institutes, Hospitals and Universities will be able to register their robotic devices, communicate, create and share protocols and clinical studies. The website is constantly updating and it is a useful tool to connect with other target groups; new pages and information will be online shortly.
You might want to share this information in your PRM community.