Today is the World Day of the Person with Disabilities, an important day that as President of the uems-prm section I want to celebrate with some remarks.
We believe that rehabilitation is a process that expresses the person’s perspective in order to build together the project of functional recovery and improvement of the quality of life. The person is therefore at the centre of our actions and our interest.
Unfortunately, in this pandemic period, we have all experienced problems but more than all people with disabilities, millions of them, have seen the necessary rehabilitation interventions reduced. In this critical period the weaknesses of our system have emerged, but also the ideas to think about how to improve for the future.
A big impulse comes to us from yesterday’s important event of the World Health Organization which set a milestone in the development of rehabilitation. it has been defined as one out of three people in the world needs rehabilitation and this need is automatically a right, a right of the disabled person to be treated in the best possible way in order to reach the life goals to which everyone aspires.