Updated criteria adopted in Bled (Slovenia), March 2014. Reviewed in Bratislava 2017.
The following set of criteria will be displayed on the website and added to the template in order to inform both the applicant and the reviewers. Reviewers are asked to confirm that all criteria items have been fulfilled.
- Providing relevant information on each item of the template
- The programme must be under the responsibility of a PRM doctor
- Foundations of the programme must be supported by Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) where available, any National and International Guidelines and be compatible with official data and/or official national documents
- PRM care principles must be described separately from the description of the programme content
- The description of the facility environment should be clear and concise.
- ICF terminology should be used when expressing the goals; the goals should also be summarized in a brief text
- In the PRM organization chapter, the numbers of whole-time and part time staff involved in the whole service should be documented
- The number of PRM specialists directly involved in the specific PRM programme of care should be recorded
- Reference to current national legal national requirements or other professional standards should be made for staff and clinical management devoted to the programme.
- Each applicants programme of care submitted for accreditation must use a clinical patient record to record clinical data and assessments
- Annual statistics and data which describe the general activity of the programme of care e.g. patient throughput, length of stay etc are required
- References must be cited within the text description of the programme. References provided must be freely accessible on the Internet or provided to the reviewers in a “pdf” file
- A short summary in English should be provided for any documents provided in other languages
Additional requirement: prior to final accreditation by the UEM PRM Section, a programme of care should be submitted and subsequently presented as an oral paper in a PRM congress.
The preliminary oral presentation in CAC workshop is a separate initial process which allows the applicant to benefit from the questions and feedback comments from his/her European colleagues.
The reviewers may accept, if they are relevant to the submitted programme, the following literature :
- Papers from Journals indexed on PubMed and International Guidelines
- National Guidelines and official regulations, available on governmental, scientific or professional websites.
If certian references are not available in English, the candidate must provide an abstract of such references in English language.
Dr. Iuly Treger
Chairman of the Clinical Affairs Committee