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Austria | Medical University Vienna, Department of Physical Medicine, Rehabilitation and Occupational Medicine | Vienna | Prof. | Richard | Crevenna |
Belgium | Physical & Rehabilitation Medicine & Sports Traumatology, University Hospital of Liege | Liege | Prof | Jean Francois | Kaux |
Croatia | University Department for Rheumatology, Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, University Hospital Centre “Sisters of Mercy” | Zagreb | Prof | Simeon | Grazio |
Greece | KAT Hospital P.R.M. Department | Kifisia Athens | Dr. | Aikaterini | Kotroni |
Italy | Neurorehabilitation Clinic – Azienda Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona – “Politecnica delle Marche” University | Ancona | Prof. | Maria Gabriella | Ceravolo |
Italy | Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Department of Neurorehabiltiation Sciences | Milano | Prof. | Luigi | Tesio |
Italy | Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Unit, Tor Vergata University General Hospital | Rome | Prof. | Calogero | Foti |
Latvia | National Rehabilitation Center „Vaivari”, Riga Stradins University | Riga | Dr. | Anda | Nulle |
Poland | Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the Medical University in Lodz | Lodz | Prof. | Jolanta | Kujawa |
Portugal | Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Hospital of S. Joao | Porto | Dr. | Fernando | Parada Pereira |
Slovenia | University Rehabilitation Institute of Ljubljana | Ljubljana | Prof. | Helena | Burger |
Switzerland | Clinique Romande de Réadaptation | Sion | Dr. | Gilles Pascal | Rivier |
Switzerland | Swiss Paraplegic Centre | Nottwil | Prof. | Michael | Baumberger |
Turkey | Ankara University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Ankara | Prof. | Ayşe Adile | Küçükdeveci |
Turkey | Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation | Istanbul | Prof. | Osman Hakan | Gunduz |
Turkey | Ankara City Hospital, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Hospital | Ankara | Prof. | Evren | Yaşar |
Turkey | Ankara Gaziler Physical Medicine Research and Training Hospital | Ankara | Prof. | Engin | KOYUNCU |
Turkey | Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Pamukkale University School of Medicine | Denizli | Prof. | Fusun | Ardic |
Turkey | Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Istanbul University | Istanbul | Prof. | Ayse Resa | AYDIN |