Welcome to UEMS PRM Section and Board

This is the official website of the UEMS PRM Section and Board. You will find here all updated information about the activities of the Board and the Section’s Committees:

  • European Board of PRM: Education (initial teaching and training, CME/CPD, accreditation of European PRM teaching and training events). President: Prof. Aydan Oral (Turkey).
  • Clinical Affairs Committee: Quality of Care, based on the concept of PRM Programmes of Care. Chairman: Dr. Iuli Treger (Israel).
  • Professional Practice: Fields of Competence. Chairman: Prof. Catarina Aguiar Branco (Portugal).

On behalf of Prof. Mauro Zampolini, President of the UEMS PRM Section and of Prof. Aydan Oral, President of the European PRM Board, we thank you for your interest in European PRM Activities. PRM Specialists are all invited to bring their contribution and to apply to the European PRM Board Certification (by examination or by equivalence). This is the first step before applying for the certification as a Trainer or for a Training Centre.

PRM Trainees may profit from free or low cost registration in some PRM Congresses and European training courses. All Board certified specialists will also benefit from reduced subscription fees to several European Journals.

European Board Certified Specialists can also participate in the European Accreditation of PRM Programmes of Care, which is organized by the Clinical Affairs Committee. This will contribute to a full description of PRM daily practice and to the promotion of Quality of Care all over Europe.