Next European PRM Board Examination: May 30, 2025.
- Qualified PRM specialists: They must show proof that they are fully certified in PRM in their country (National Certification in a UEMS full member country, Israel, Jordan, Serbia or Turkey) and present their professional curriculum vitae to the National Manager.
- PRM trainees: PRM trainees can sit the EBPRM examination from year 3 of a specialist training programme in UEMS full member countries, Israel, Jordan, Serbia and Turkey, at the discretion of the training programme director. Even if they pass the Board Examination, they will not receive the Board Certificate until they will be officially certified in their country.
The procedure to sit the Board examination:
The examination is computer based. Depending on the country, the candidates will take the exam in computer rooms (CR) or will bring their own laptops (BYOL) at the examination venue and use a WiFi connection to access the examination server through internet. A specific software will be used in both conditions to lock computers to avoid any other internet access during the exam. In case of BYOL examination, it is the responsibility of the candidate to have a compatible laptop.
The exam can be organized in all UEMS full member countries, Israel, Jordan, Serbia and Turkey.
Please contact your National Manager regarding organization of the examination.
Candidates wishing to sit Board examination must proceed in the following order:
Step 1: Payment of Registration Fee
Regular Board Registration fee for Certification by Examination: 300 Euros.
The registration fee for the BEx is reduced to 240 Euro in countries where the BEx is mandatory because it is part of their national qualification system for PRM (those countries are Belgium, Malta, Slovenia, and Switzerland).
Method of payment: Payment by bank, in EUROS, account of the UEMS PRM Section: Account name: AISBL UEMS/S.PHYS.& REHAB., SWIFT/BIC GEBABEBB, IBAN BE57 0016 7441 7535, Brussels, Belgium Address Bank : MONTAGNE DU PARC 3, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM
Candidates who have failed can sit the exam once more without further payment, provided that they sit the exam within one year from the year they failed. Candidates who were absent will have the right to sit the exam within the next two years without further fee payment. A new application is mandatory in both cases (i.e. they have to follow again steps 2 & 3 of the application – registration procedure).
Step 2: Registration – Application
Please click here to submit your registration-application to sit Board examination.
After successful submission, a confirmation message will appear on the screen. Registration number and a full copy of registration form will be sent to the candidate by email. The candidate should print it and proceed to Step 3.
Step 3: Validation of the Registration File
The candidate must contact his/her National Manager, in order to submit the registration file for validation. The National Manager will examine the registration file and certify that training and National qualifications have been done according to the National and European standards and criteria. The registration file will be returned to candidate after completion of certification procedure. It is the responsibility of the candidate to submit the registration file to National Manager for validation within the deadline given below. Candidates are encouraged to apply early in the application period. The Registration File consists of the following documents:
- Copy of fee payment receipt, issued by your bank
- Copy of the registration – application (sent to the candidate by email at Step 2)
- Logbook duly completed and signed by the local Director of Training – DOWNLOAD the logbook
- National PRM Qualification (for qualified PRM doctors)
After the closing of the procedure, all submissions will be verified for validation granted by National Managers and fee payment. Applications that are not validated by National Managers and those without complete payments will be REJECTED.
For detailed information about the examination, please consult the Examination Protocol for BEx25 and the Blueprint of EBPRM Examination 2025.
Important Notice
The procedure, including validation by National Manager must be completed until March 31, 2025.
No applications will be accepted after this date. It is the responsibility of the candidate to be aware of and comply with application deadlines. After the closing of the procedure, all submissions will be verified for fee payment and validation granted by National Managers. Applications without complete payments and those not validated by National Managers will be REJECTED. Candidates applying until the end of February will get access to some selected previous EBPRM examination questions at the end of March. Candidates applying in March will get access to some selected previous EBPRM examination questions at the end of April. All candidates will receive their login credentials and instructions for the examination platform one week before the examination, at the latest. The examination is computer based and permanent internet connection is required for the whole duration of the exam. The European PRM Board is not liable for technical issues related to the computers, network or internet connection used to access the exam. In case of BYOL examination, it is the responsibility of the candidates to bring a compatible computer* in the exam venue and assure its connection to local WiFi. The European PRM Board cannot reimburse any personal and travel expenses in the unlikely event of exam cancellation due to technical issues. Details regarding place and time will be provided by National Managers. Results are announced in the form of pass/fail, by National Managers, after Jury Meeting.
*Compatible Operating Systems:
Technical Requirements for taking the EBPRM Examination
The examination will be conducted via the Remindo and Schoolyear platforms. Computers used for the exam must meet the following specifications:
- Remindo: system requirementsand browser support;
- Schoolyear: system requirements.
Attention: Safari browser is NOT supported.
It is important to note that these configurations are provided as general guidelines and are subject to change based on updates or upgrades from the software providers. Therefore, it is recommended to check regularly for updates.
An internet connection will be required for the entire duration of the exam.
Suggested References for the Board Exam preparation:
- Braddom’s Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine for Medical Students
- e-Book and papers published by the Professional Practice Committee of UEMS PRM Section (i.e. e-book the field of competence of PRM physicians part 1 and part 2)
- To get a general idea about the exam, Questions from the exam held in 1999 are available here. These questions are provided by the PRM European Board for study purposes only. These are actual board exam questions, but they have been permanently removed from examination item banks and will no longer be used on any PRM Board examinations. With the exception of these questions, the PRM Board does not share exam questions with anyone.