PRM Schools: Rehabilitation of pain and pain-related disability

by | Apr 21, 2023 | Congresses & Courses

The European Board of PRM (EBPRM) will support the participation of 12 attendees to the ESPRM/UEMS-PRM/EBPRM School on “Rehabilitation of pain and pain-related disability”, which will be organised in Italy from 24 to 28 September 2023.

The financial support covers the registration fee, accommodation and some meals. The financial support is paid by the EBPRM directly to the organiser who is responsible for the accommodation and catering.


Scientific programme – preliminary version

Pain School 2023 Preliminary Programme


  • Trainees who have their training in countries participating to UEMS PRM Section and Board and are registered with the EBPRM. The registration is free and can be submitted here. Priority will be given to trainees who have passed the EBPRM Examination.
  • EBPRM Certified Fellows within three years after the completion of training.


The applications for the financial support of the European PRM Board are submitted through this link.


The deadline for applications is 11 May 2023.

Selection Procedure

The participants will be randomly selected a few days after the application deadline, in the presence (through web conference) of the EBPRM Executive Committee Members and the National Managers. Priority will be given to trainees who have passed the EBPRM Examination and EBPRM Certified Fellows. If the applicants come from more than 12 countries, one applicant per country will be selected, following the randomised ordering of the applications.

Announcement of the selection

The applicants who are selected to participate will be informed by email within 10 days after the application deadline. Trainees who have not passed the EBPRM exam must immediately provide a proof of training through their National Manager.