At the 22nd European Congress of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, the UEMS PRM Board will grant the awards to the best Oral or Poster presentations. One gold award and two special mentions will be given:
- to young PRM specialists (up to 5 years after graduation as a PRM specialists)
- to PRM trainees
provided that they meet the following requirements:
- to be Board certified
- to be the First or Presenting author of a scientific contribution accepted as Oral or Poster presentation to the ESPRM Congress
- to present their contribution during the UEMS PRM Board Award Session (in 10 minutes).
The gold awardee will receive:
- a diploma & a voucher for UEMS PRM Board recertification (free of certification fees)
- a voucher for 50% reduction of the certification or recertification fee, for the training centre the awardee has/had his training in, or he works at (awardees’ choice).
In case of two participants ex aequo, the prize of the category is doubled.
Trainees or young medical specialists awarded a “Special mention” will receive a diploma.
Board certified PRM trainees and young PRM specialists (up to 5 years after graduation) who wish to compete for the UEMS PRM Board Awards are kindly requested to apply, the latest by 1st April 2020, by sending an email to the Board Deputy Secretary Dr. Piotr Tederko at stating the following:
- Name and Surname
- Country
- Date of issue and Number of the Board Certification
- Title of Oral/Poster contribution accepted for presentation at the ESPRM Congress
The Abstract of the contribution must be attached to the email
The presentations will be evaluated by the members of the Board Jury:
- Mauro Zampolini
- Maria Gabriella Ceravolo
- Nikolaos Barotsis
- Rolf Frischknecht
- Aydan Oral
M.G. Ceravolo,