Professional Practice Committee (PPC)continued its work on the E-Book on Field of competences – part II with a number of Finished and published Evidence Based Position Papers – EBPPs (e.g. Methodology, Spinal deformity during growth, Ageing, Obesity) and Papers in progress (e.g. Spinal cord injury, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Pain, Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke, Limb loss, Oncology, Cerebral palsy, Neurodegenerative, Neuromuscular, Pregnancy).
The work within Multidisciplinary Joint Committees (MJC) on Pain medicine, Spinal surgery, Sports Medicine and Manual Medicine was presented. PPC participation in ESPRM Congress in Vilnius 2018 and in ISPRM Congress in Paris 2018 was announced. Cochrane Rehabilitation was presented with the Annual Report (is available on the www.rehabilitation.cochrane.orgwebsite) and E-book project, whereas an editorial board is established. Further issues included PRM terminology committee concerning PRM projects, Standards for practice in Europe, European Project (IMI2 call 13° – topic 7) “DIAMOND”: Validation and generalization of Digital Assessment of mobility as primary endpoint in Clinical Trials in various populations of slow walkers, in which UEMS PRM Section is involved as a partner. The 3rdEdition of the European White Book on Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine has been completed and ready in a freely available pdf version. Since March 23rdthe titles and abstracts are also online in Pubmed. The White Book will be available online in the websites of the 4 bodies, eventually including the translations. National versions are possible in one language or in the own language and English version. Translation is only possible after the approval of the European PRM Bodies Alliance and respecting the rules for translation. A template for a License to Publish Translations is being presented and discussed. Global roadmap for implementation of ICF across Europe included ICF Clinical Tool: It has been proposed to change the name to ‘country language modifications’.
Update was issued February 26th2018 concerning the up to now created versions of the ICF Clinical Tool: Italian version (already published), Polish version, Croatian, Dutch/Flemish version. It should the responsibility of the countries to take initiatives to implement this version. This is an important political discussion and part of the whole Global Roadmap for ICF implementation in Europe. In development of an International classification system for service organisations for health-related rehabilitation (ICSO-R 2.0): A revised version ICSO-R 2.0 has recently been finalized.
Clinical Affairs Committee (CAC)continued its work on Patients’ rights and responsibilities in a PRM programme of care and Patients’ rights and physicians’ rights. There were reports on ICF and measurements in rehabilitation on the methodology for the Individual Rehabilitation Plan using ICF Clinical Tools, Recommendation to develop a working group, to define a methodological document about Assessment methodology and Individual Rehabilitation Plan/Project. Guidelines collection on SCI, Low back pain, Evaluation and prescription of assistive devices in mobility problems, Multiple sclerosis and Cerebral palsy showed progress. Accreditation of PRM programmes of care included progress in:
1. Latvia – Programme Title: “PRM programme for in-patients after spinal lumbar surgery”
2. Slovenia – Programme Title: “Programme for spasticity treatment with Intrathecal Baclofen Delivery pump”
3. Luxemburg – Application for re-accreditation of Programme N011 Title: “PRM for elderly patients with increased fall risk”.
4. Israel – Application: “Program of Stroke patients rehabilitation – acute to chronic” – Regional Rehab Service Setting in Israel and Day Rehab Center in Moscow (Russia)
5. Czech Republic – Application: “Program of subsequent (post-acute) rehabilitation in SCI adult patients”, “Program of general subsequent (post-acute) inpatient rehabilitation in adult patients”.
To promote CAC accreditation a “Paper on Accreditation benefits” with the target of publication in a series of European PRM national journals is envisioned. CAC will join in both Vilnius ESPRM and Paris ISPRM congresses of 2018 with presentations of the Guidelines and Accreditation projects.