UEMS PRM Section and Board (European Union of Medical Specialists Section of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and European Board of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine – Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes Section de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation, Collège Européen de Médecine Physique et de Réadaptation) General Assembly was held Friday 22nd to Saturday 23rd March 2019 in Budapest. The first day has been dedicated to working groups activities.
The Board continued with certification activities, setting-up the Requirements for extraordinary certification of medical doctors, Online delivery of European PRM Board examination 2019, License to publish the translation of the e-book for medical students, Cochrane e-book: summaries for students were approved, web-based educational activities including the ESWT online course, and promotion of European PRM Board supported schools for PRM trainees.
Professional Practice Committee continued the work on the Book on Field of competences part III, Cochrane Rehabilitation Annual report was presented along to E-book project: the second series of 25 summaries of Cochrane reviews for health managers and politicians, Global roadmap for implementation of ICF across Europe including Development of an International classification system for service organisations for health related rehabilitation (ICSO-R 2.0); and in joint session with Clinical Affairs Committee, for the Clinical Assessment Schedule (CLAS) for European Framework of Rehabilitation Services Types.
Clinical Affairs Committee, above the mentioned worked on the methodological approach to the Individual Rehabilitation Project/Plan, the development a set of guidelines, accreditation of PRM programs (Prof Iuly Treger submitted his Inpatient Stroke programme in Soroka, Israel) and in developing a PDF paper/brochure on the benefits of accreditation. Furthermore, Balneology session has been held.
In Saturday`s morning General Assembly the report of each working group has been discussed and voted; among others: to accept Action Plan of UEMS PRM Section and Board 2018-2022, and to intensify actions to change the name of the speciality „Physiotherapy“ in the Directive of recognition of professional qualifications 2006/35/EC to „Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine“. In the end, part of the Executive Committee has been elected: Elena Ilieva as Deputy secretary to Professional Practice Committee, and Rolf Frischknecht as Treasurer.
Hungary, a vibrant hub of PRM facilitated by long and wide-spread tradition of balneology and by up-to-date Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine is strongly involved in the Section and Board through activities of Hungarian delegates and our hosts Gabor Fazekas and Zoltan Denes. Declaration of cooperation has been signed between UEMS PRM Section and Board, European Society of PRM and Hungarian Rehabilitation Society and the visit to esteemed National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (OORI) has demonstrated the commitment of Hungary to Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine. On behalf of all delegates, warm thanks to them and their society for excellent organisation and friendly approach.
Next General Assembly is scheduled 6th to 7th September 2019 in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.